
2020年3月26日—Whatdowemeanwhenwesaysomethingisawave?Awaveisadisturbancethattravelsorpropagatesfromtheplacewhereitwascreated.,2023年1月10日—Suchwavesarecalledharmonicorsinusoidalwaves.Theyaregeneratedbyoscillatorsmovinginsimpleharmonicmotion,likethespring-mass ...,Inphysics,mathematics,engineering,andrelatedfields,awaveisapropagatingdynamicdisturbance(changefromequilibrium)ofoneormorequantities...

13.1 Types of Waves

2020年3月26日 — What do we mean when we say something is a wave? A wave is a disturbance that travels or propagates from the place where it was created.


2023年1月10日 — Such waves are called harmonic or sinusoidal waves. They are generated by oscillators moving in simple harmonic motion, like the spring-mass ...


In physics, mathematics, engineering, and related fields, a wave is a propagating dynamic disturbance (change from equilibrium) of one or more quantities.

Wave (physics)

A wave is a kind of oscillation (disturbance) that travels through space and matter. Wave motions transfer energy from one place to another.


A wave is a disturbance in a medium that carries energy without a net movement of particles. It may take the form of elastic deformation, a variation of ...

Wave motion

2023年12月21日 — Wave motion, propagation of disturbances—that is, deviations from a state of rest or equilibrium—from place to place in a regular and ...


2023年11月27日 — A disturbance that moves in a regular and organized way, such as surface waves on water, sound in air, and light.

What is a Wave?

A wave can be described as a disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to another location. Consider a slinky wave as an example of a wave.

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什麼是Google Buzz?你今天Buzz了嗎?

你今天Buzz了沒?這一天已經有太多Buzz的消息了,但是你知道什麼是Buzz嗎?簡單的來說應該就是以下這幾種功能! 乍看之下好像又是一種微網誌與即時訊息的服務,陸陸續續不少專家們也開始剖析這個服務帶來的好處...